Quote of the day (12-May-2024)

What you have now could be the distant dream of another. The position that you hold, the possessions that you have, or even the relationships that you have now could be someone else’s unachievable dream. So be grateful. Have deep gratitude for all that you have. Ungrateful attitude is the biggest curse that you can inflict on yourself. Those who complain about what they do not have ignoring all that they have been blessed with are truly poor at heart. Their poverty consciousness never gives them any kind of satisfaction out of their life. This is the real misfortune of life. Nothing else is so bad.

On Being Grateful

Quote of the day (11-May-2024)

If we are not strong at heart, we cannot safeguard dharma. If we don’t have conviction, we cannot serve the grand tradition of liberation. If we don’t believe in our own heritage, we have no home. This is the country that welcomed all belief systems harmoniously without sacrificing our motherland. This is the land that brought forth clarity to the varied dimensions of the universe from microcosm to macrocosm. This is the mother of all traditions that proclaimed ahimsa is the greatest righteousness. We should live it. We should love it.

On Sacred Bharat 

Quote of the day (06-May-2024)

Flexibility is strength during a crisis.
Avoid delays in attaining your stability and equilibrium at any cost. Do not knock the usual doors in a crisis, especially if the usual ones have proven ineffective in the past. Try some new ones. But moving on quickly and decisively is very important. Time is the most precious thing in a crisis, and the right step is action with full clarity and no ambiguity.

On Handling Crisis

Quote of the day (05-May-2024)

Selling is an art. It needs a lot of self-belief, fearlessness, and the ability to break comfort zones effortlessly. If the salesman doesn’t believe in what he sells, he will not be effective. Clarity over the product is essential for convincing articulation. In fact, he should participate in the production to know the vitals of the product clearly. He should be open to suggestions and criticism.
Usually, sales is a continuous process, and this needs good service backup and hospitality to maintain it. The salesman should himself be fully convinced before convincing others. A thorough professional talks only matter and never bluffs.

On Business as it is

Quote of the day (04-May-2024)

A complacent generation is the curse of any society. They will be exploited by smart rulers who will use fear to control them. It will take new generations to set it right. Complacent society may not even feel the exploitation, nor will they think it’s necessary to wake up to life again. This gives advantage to dictators.

On Let the Sleeping Giant Sleep