Pearls of Greetings – on Mohanji’s Birthday

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MOHANJI Teams from all corners of the World wishing MOHANJI on His 54th Birthday – 23rd February – 2019!

World Consciousness Alliance (WCA)


Global Vegan Club (GVC)


Today we celebrate the birthday of our beloved guide, our perfect example of compassion, our inspiration, Mohanji.

Mohanji did not only offer His quote on our request for the slogan of Global Vegan Club, but is also the greatest and constant support behind it. On this occasion, we offer our love and gratitude to Him for empowering us in every way to start this global Vegan journey together.

As we all may be aware of, Mohanji supports and loves veganism with all His heart. He is always there, in every possible occasion, to mention it and promote it as much as He can. His love for all beings is unimaginable. It is limitless and vast.

Mohanji always says, “Do not buy presents for me, do not spend money and time, instead, do something for the beings of Mother Earth. The happiest I will be if all beings on Earth are happy.” Let us celebrate this auspicious day, Mohanji’s birthday, by following His guidance on sharing and caring for our dear brothers and sisters in animals’ form, and with all our hearts, let us offer our love to them, by choosing compassion.
Giving up dairy, meat, eggs, fish, products tested on animals and other animal products is the least we can do to for them who are helplessly crying, asking for our help, every day, every second of their short and painful lives.

❤ Choose compassion today! ❤

Beloved Mohanji, thank you for everything, and for being an inspiration behind Global Vegan Club always.

With love and gratitude,
GVC Team

Mohanji Datta Tapovan Ashram, Canada


A very Happy Birthday Mohanji from our Canada family.

Canada is blessed to have you for it is your footstep that we walk on. What can we gift to the one who is the source of giving. If at all there is anything that we can offer, it is ‘Surrender’, let us ever remain in your lotus feet. 

We pray that the light in the form of Mohanji shine brighter and brighter for the world and our heart felt gratitude for making us an instrument for spreading this light and love that you stand for.

Mohanji South Africa Team


Dear Father,

South Africa team wishes You a blessed Birthday!


Happy Birthday Dearest Mohanji!

Thank you for being a Father, Friend, Philosopher and a Guru to all of us!

We pray for your well being always! May the years ahead be fulfilling in every way!

On this day, we re-dedicate ourselves to your Mission in the LIfetime.

With unconditional love and deepest gratitude, always.

Mohanji USA family.

Mohanji UK Team

Mohanji B Day 2019

Dear Mohanji,
UK Family wishes You a very Happy Happy Birthday!
We are blessed to be under your guidance walking on the Golden path of liberation.
Many more happy returns of the day!
Lots of Love,
Team UK.

Mohanji Croatia Team


Dear Mohanji,

We wish you a very happy birthday and many happy returns of the day!

Thank you for coming into our lives and being our light and stength.

Thank you for guiding us towards light and truth protecting us and for all the teachings.

How can we ever repay you but to pray to always live your teachings and remain as instruments of your unconditional love and purity.

We are grateful beyond words to be with you in this lifetime in your Mission on Earth, dear Father.

We love you from the bottom of our heart!

Mohanji Croatia Team.

Mohanji Team, Singapore


Wish you a very Happy Bday Mohanji, From all of us in Singapore. 🌹💖🌹

Mohanji Team Denmark


Happy appearance day Father.
We all are extremely grateful for the precious opportunity of having you in our lives, connecting to the
Mohanji Consciousness.

Mohanji Team Sweden


Ja, må han leva! Ja, må han leva, Ja, må han leva uti hundrade år!
Javisst ska han leva! Javisst ska han leva! Javisst ska han leva uti hundrade år!
Och när han har levat, Och när han har levat, Och när han har levat uti hundrade år!
Ja, då ska han skjutas, Ja, då ska han skjutas, Ja, då ska han skjutas på en skottkärra fram!
Och när han har skjutits, Och när han har skjutits, Och när han har skjutits på en skottkärra fram
Ja, då ska han hängas, Ja, då ska han hängas, Ja, då ska han hängas på en häst bakåfram!
Och när han har hängits, Och när han har hängits, Och när han har hängits på en häst bakåfram
Ja, då ska han dränkas, Ja, då ska han dränkas, Ja, då ska han dränkas i en flaska champagne!
Och när han har drunknat, Och när han har drunknat, Och när han har drunknat i en flaska champagne!
Ja, då ska han firas, Ja, då ska han firas, Ja, då ska han firas med jättelång låt!
Ja må han leva! Ja må han leva!

Grattis på födelsedagen till dig GURUDEV MOHANJI 🎉🎈🎊🎁💚💚

Ammucare, India


Ammucare wishes beloved MOHANJI, our Chairman, Mentor & Guide,

A Very Happy Birthday!

Mohanji Ka Aangan

Aangan 1

Mohanji Ka Aangan wishes Beloved Mohanji

A Very Happy Birthday!

Mohanji ka Aangan, Bengaluru

Aangan Bangalore

The angels of Mohanji ka Aangan celebrate the joyful event – Mohanji’s Birthday!

“We love you dear Mohanji. Happy Birthday!”

Mohanji ACT Foundation UK

Mohanji B Day_ACT_2019

Happy Birthday Mohanji!

Preeti Duggal, India

Preeti Duggal

No Birthday cards, wishes, greetings or messages can express in words the amount of love and respect I have for you.

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, dear Father.

Preeti Duggal

Deepali & Anurag Bais, India



Dear Father,

Wishing you a Happy Birthday.

With Love,

Deepali, Anurag, Aryaman & Aryahi

Neha, Canada



Thank You for reincarnating on Mother Earth for us all🙏🙏🙏

Thank You Baba…Thank You


Surya, Kerala, India


Happy Birthday Mohanji.


Rishita, (Reena & Rakesh Kumar’s daughter), Delhi, India


Happy birthday Guruji.

Koti koti Pranam. Gratitude for being there at all times and your unconditional love. 🙏

Rishita, Reena & Rakesh’s daughter

Beautiful Vegan Cakes baked with Loads of Love!

Nikita, India & Shyama, London





One thought on “Pearls of Greetings – on Mohanji’s Birthday

  1. 💖💖💖 Mohanji Mohanji Mohanji..Let the universe Rock with Your Love and Grace..
    Happy Happy Birthday….lots and lots of Love..
    Anantakoti Pranaams Baba…🙏🙏🙏


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